Wednesday, July 21, 2010


On the 20th of July Strike came to Hampden Street School . They peformed really loud that they nearly blew our ears off. Strike played drums from the Cook Islands. GOOO STRIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome and we hope they come back soon as.

By Stella and Ella

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to make Recycled paper

ripped up paper, hot water , a food processor, sponge, bucket and a paper-making kit


1. Rip up little bits of paper.

2. Put the ripped up paper into the food processor.

3. Pour some hot water into the food processor up to halfway.

4. Turn the food processor to max.

5. Turn the food processor off after 30secs.

6. Pour the mixed up paper onto the draining screen of the paper making kit.

7. Take the outside frame off the paper making kit and lift the mesh off.

8. Flip the mesh onto the drying board and sponge the water out.

9. Peel the mesh off and then you've made your paper. Leave to dry for 2 days.

By Chelsea