Friday, April 8, 2016

We catch up with Harold!

This week Team 18 visited Harold and Ingrid from Life Education. They are here in their nice new state of the art trailer to teach us about Healthy Food and Nutrition. Even Q Bear said hello!

WOW! Homework legends

All of Team 18s March Missioners

Monday, April 4, 2016

March Missioners

Well done to all those 20 kids from Team 18 who completed at least 4 of the March homework Missions. Hear is Taemen fantastic Google Slide about herself - an awesome first effort on using your gmail account Taemen!

Think Creatively to achieve your goals!

We loved watching this terrific clip on not letting possible setbacks stopping you achieving your goals - see how these keen footballers solve the problem of wanting to play soccer in a village on stilts with no playing area.