Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome to Room 18 2011!

Welcome to a new year in R00m 18 at Hampden Street School! As you can see from the photos above, things started off a bit rough but the children have shaken off the summer holiday blues and are raring to go in 2011. Reach for the stars R18!!


  1. looks like a great new class mr f

  2. jack g is very pleased to be in room 18 - he reckons it is the BEST class at HS.

  3. Hi,
    well in the weekends I also saw my mums freinds baby Noi she is 4 in a half months old. she is so cute. Noi is Maori it means elevated she has a moari name cause her dad is Maori.
    sophie had a fun weekend I RULE

  4. Hi, um um um yeah well room 18 rules!!!!

  5. room 18 rules! hi mr f is the best

  6. Hi :)

    this is the homework thing. I found room 18 is awesome. I wish i could have q bear Well bye!!!!!!!!

  7. Being in room 18 is really fun because we have done lots of art. We also have window seats where I can sit in the sun to get warm.
