Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Makos visit Hampden St

On the 30th of August the makos came to see us. They anwered some of our qeustions and gave out free posters. James Marshell, James Kamana and someone else came to talk. They were wearing there training uniform. We learnt that:
James M went to Tahuna school,
James K used to play for Waikato,
Kade Poki is from Marlborough.

by Katherine

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flora shows her amazing talent

Flora (with a little help from dad) wowed the crowd today in the final of HSS's got Talent! Her amazing violin performance earned her 2nd prize in an extremely talented field of performers. Despite her nerves, Flora's performance was flawless - well done Flora, we are so proud of you!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby Maisie arrives at last!

After running 5 days late, Miss Maisie Stella Rose Francois arrived in a hurry at 7:32 on Sunday night. Mr F was just starting to think about what to do in R18 on Monday when Emma started to feel a few baby twinges. Within 1/2 hour we were on our way to hospital and 25mins after arrival, our beautiful baby girl emerged. She is a tiny wee dot at 6.11pound and 48cm. Everyone is doing well and Harry is being a fantastic big bro...so far!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Taking it to the XTREME!!!

Our topic is all about taking it to the extreme.Today we are taking it to the extreme by making our own deep sea creatures.People have made crabs, sharks,whales, lobsters, eels and loads more!We are going to talk about how animals survive in different habitats.

We are also doing a poster on Jacques Cousteau.He is the most famous diver in history.

by Sid