Friday, December 17, 2010

Thanks for a great year R18!!

Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions as school came to an end for 2010. It is always sad to say goodbye to a class - especially a fantastic one like this year. The good thing of course is they all come back again to say gidday the next year. On the positive side...well done to Hampden house for winning the first ever Hampden Street School house competition!! A terrific effort from all the kids. Go Hampden!

Finally, I wish everyone a safe and relaxing summer break! Eat lots, get outside and play and have fun! See you all next year

Mr F

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Middle Syndicate Big Day Out

Today the middle syndicate had their annual big day out at Tahuna Beach. Although the weather was a bit dicey, we decided to tough it out and go anyway. We started by building sand sculptures before moving onto Miss Schwass' scavenger hunt. After a few relays we had a swim, before having lunch at the playground. The day finished off with a massive game of capture the flag.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Middle Syndicate athletics

Yesterday the middle syndicate held their annual athletics display. Competition was tough in the scorching hot conditions. In the end R18 achieved excellent results in the sprint finals. The girls dominated the Yr4 race with Alice winning, and Amelia and Katherine sharing 2nd place. Zach was the top boy coming in in 4th place. It was great to see so many parents come along this year to watch their children.

Monday, November 15, 2010

HSS future All Whites

On Friday HSS sent 5 teams to compete in the Hira six-a-side tournament at Saxtons Field. It was a fantastic day with plenty of wins (and a few losses) spread amongst the teams. The kids from R18 all played in the competitive grade which was a real challenge! Thanks to those parents who helped with looking after teams and transporting us to the event.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Congratulations Room 18!

Last week we recieved our prize for getting in the top 5 for the Fair Go awards. We got a cool certificate and a wicked teeny-weeny video camera! Now all we need to do is figure out how to work it!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


On Tuesday 2nd of November we went to the museum to see the 'Land Ahoy' exhibit. I will tell you all about it. I thought it was quite cool but you might not! It started off like this, first we dressed up in old fashioned clothes. I wore a little fluffy hat, some frilly edge pants and a dress-like top that had frilly edges on the short sleeves. Then we got told about how 200 people got on a boat in England (London) to NZ to build a colony there. They had to put everything they needed in a trunk abou the size of my desk. The captain had these things; a map, a telescope and a compass. It took them 5 months to get there! The poor families had to go in one bed all together - imagine that! The only people who got to sleep by themselves were the rich people. Because they paid for it they got a bed to themselves, a small bookcase and some playing cards.
Guess what? We saw spew/vomit! It was disgusting!! Mr F took a picture of Ella, Katherines and I pretending to spew in to it. We also got to look through a real telescope from that actual boat. After that we tied reef knots with Mr F. Guess what foods they had to eat (not the rich people), rice, flour, porpoise heart (a dolphins heart) and they drank beer and wine. The poor people ate with rusty browny types of cuttlery while the rich people got to eat with china and crystal.
They took pine cones with them to grow pine trees and to make fires. They took apples to grow trees. We found out that the English are responsible for bringing stoats to NZ. It was really fun at the museum - I liked it!!
By Flora

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


For the last half of this term the children of R18 have been working with IT expert Craig Martin to put together an ad for this years Fair Go awards. We had great fun, learnt heaps and in the end were a finalist. This meant our ad was played on TV (check it out in TVNZondemand) and we won a video pack for the syndicate! Thanks to Mr Martin for his efforts. Well done guys...look out Peter Jackson!!

All Aboard the Yellow Submarine Parade

Last Friday was the Nelson Masked Parade. On a beautiful spring evening the children of HSS decked themselves out in their production masks and costume and hit the street to celebrate. As always, a massive crowd was watching as 1000s of people sang, danced and marched through Nelson. Well done HSS and well done Nelson!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Spring Holidays

Another 2 week holiday has come and gone! What exciting things did you get up to in your time off? Who did you see? Write a comment for others to read telling us about what you got up to.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yellow Submarine - what did you think?

The Yellow Submarine production has played to 3 sell out crowds. A massive amount of time and effort has gone into making it the success that it is...but what did you think?
Parents, how did you find the show? What went well?

Kids, how did you enjoy the build up/practices before the performances and how did you find the experience on the night?

Comment back and tell us your thoughts!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Q Bear meets Maisie

Today Q Bear went home with Mr F and met Maisie for the first time. Both were a little bit shy at first and didn't really say much to each other but by the end of the visit they were BFF!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Makos visit Hampden St

On the 30th of August the makos came to see us. They anwered some of our qeustions and gave out free posters. James Marshell, James Kamana and someone else came to talk. They were wearing there training uniform. We learnt that:
James M went to Tahuna school,
James K used to play for Waikato,
Kade Poki is from Marlborough.

by Katherine

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flora shows her amazing talent

Flora (with a little help from dad) wowed the crowd today in the final of HSS's got Talent! Her amazing violin performance earned her 2nd prize in an extremely talented field of performers. Despite her nerves, Flora's performance was flawless - well done Flora, we are so proud of you!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby Maisie arrives at last!

After running 5 days late, Miss Maisie Stella Rose Francois arrived in a hurry at 7:32 on Sunday night. Mr F was just starting to think about what to do in R18 on Monday when Emma started to feel a few baby twinges. Within 1/2 hour we were on our way to hospital and 25mins after arrival, our beautiful baby girl emerged. She is a tiny wee dot at 6.11pound and 48cm. Everyone is doing well and Harry is being a fantastic big far!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Taking it to the XTREME!!!

Our topic is all about taking it to the extreme.Today we are taking it to the extreme by making our own deep sea creatures.People have made crabs, sharks,whales, lobsters, eels and loads more!We are going to talk about how animals survive in different habitats.

We are also doing a poster on Jacques Cousteau.He is the most famous diver in history.

by Sid

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


On the 20th of July Strike came to Hampden Street School . They peformed really loud that they nearly blew our ears off. Strike played drums from the Cook Islands. GOOO STRIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome and we hope they come back soon as.

By Stella and Ella

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to make Recycled paper

ripped up paper, hot water , a food processor, sponge, bucket and a paper-making kit


1. Rip up little bits of paper.

2. Put the ripped up paper into the food processor.

3. Pour some hot water into the food processor up to halfway.

4. Turn the food processor to max.

5. Turn the food processor off after 30secs.

6. Pour the mixed up paper onto the draining screen of the paper making kit.

7. Take the outside frame off the paper making kit and lift the mesh off.

8. Flip the mesh onto the drying board and sponge the water out.

9. Peel the mesh off and then you've made your paper. Leave to dry for 2 days.

By Chelsea

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Winter Sport with Nelson Girls College

For the last 4 weeks we have been doing winter sports with the girls from Y12 at Nelson College. They have battled wet weather and a muddy field to teach us for 5 lessons in soccer, netball, rippa, t-ball, miniball and hockey. They did a great job and everyone had a ball (especially the HSS teachers who just cruised around while someone else looked after their class!).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Once were Warriors!

On Friday we had a visit from Simon Mannering and Michael Luck from the Auckland Warriors. They were in town to promote rugby league in Nelson. Katherine said, "they were big, but not as big as Ronald MacDonald!" Simon Mannering is the captain of the warriors and used to go to Nelson College.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What a load of Rubbish!!

Ray the school caretaker talks to us about what becomes of all the rubbish at Hampden Street School. He said that we go through about 5 60litre bins of paper each week!
We went round the school and collected all the rubbish from one day and put it into 3 piles: food compost, lunch rubbish and classroom rubbish. Scarily all 3 piles looked much the same. We decided that something had to be done so we sorted it into the appropriate place! This is what it looked like when we finished. Well done R18 and R13!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Making Papermache pencil holders

At the moment we are doing a topic on Recycling. Rather than just throwing away toilet and gladwrap rolls and paper, we decided to reuse them by making pencil holders. First we stuck the rolls together using tape and now we are papermaching them. Next step is to decorate and paint them.
By Mr F, Anna and Katherine

Measuring around HSS

For maths this week we are looking at measuring. We had to measure the roads around the outside of Hampden Street School using a measuring wheel. This is the members of Ngatiawa house measuring up and down Ngatiawa St. First time it measured 195m then next time 185m. Next we are looking to work out the perimeter of the school.
By Mr F, Anna and Alice

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Year 4 Boys

2nd: Burty

3rd: Tom

5th: Josh

6th: Zach

8th: Finn

9th: JD

Year 4 Girls

1st: Alice

2nd: Amelia

6th: Katherine

7th: Anna

8th: Connie

Middle Syndicate Cross Country

Last Thursday we did the cross country at Fairfield Park. On Wednesday night I was about to fall asleep on the couch when i got startled by my sissy (she said"Burpy lets bounce on the trampoline"). Well I couldn't hear of course, I was listening on my stereo! I fell asleep and my mum carried me to my bed. The problem was that I sometimes got woken up by my neighbour's dog barking. This night though I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed to see what was going on. There was something else that I was worrying about too - the stereo! I could actually hear it. Nah, it's just the neighbours I thought. In the morning I ate breakfast, did my Kumon (it was simple - it looked like this 872579x7=). Well I got that right - it might look hard but it is very easy! I had my shower and got dressed into my spike shoes (the spikes are pretty sharp!). It was 10 to 9 and I went to school and into class.
Finally the bell rang for lunch and I hardly ate anything. When lunch was over we lined up like the other classes and we set off to Fairfield Park. I felt like this race was going to be random! First it was the year4 boys and Mr F said "go to the start line." I felt good!
On your marks...set...GO!!
I absolutely ran my guts out. The race was weird. At the start I was coming 5th until Todd tripped up. I was right behind him and i had no choice but to run right over hi back in my spikes!! In the end when the race was finished i came second.
By Burty