Sunday, December 16, 2012

'Nerd Nation' - Disco time!!

The middle syndicate was out in force for our end of year disco on Friday night!  There were glasses, braces and pulled up pants everywhere as the kids (and teachers) got down and partied 'Hampden Style!'

Middle Syndicate BIG DAY OUT

R18 at the Museum...again!

Instruments from around the World exhibition at the Nelson Museum

Monday, December 10, 2012

Nelson Envirocentre

Today we wandered up to the Nelson Envirocentre behind Nelson College to check out what went on up there.  We saw a huge solar oven (no pancakes sorry), a biodome, an outdoor classroom and a greenhouse made of plastic bottles.  Check out the broken glass footpath we are walking on - not a place to go in bare feet!

Yay...its swimming time again!!

HSS hits the Big Smoke

Checking out 'The Block'